A couple of Bollywood producers, who had watched Srikanth starrer 'Paagan' recently, were impressed by the film and expressed interest to remake the movie in Hindi.
"They are happy with the content and the way a nice message has been conveyed. I have asked director Aslam to direct the movie in Hindi too, but with a different cast and crew," says Srikanth.
Stating that he might not be part of the Hindi version, the 'Roja Koottam' and 'April Madhathil' actor adds he will happy if Aslam wields the megaphone for the Bollywood version as well.
"Because he knows the nuances of the script well and it is his baby," says Srikanth, who is set to start the shooting for 'Nambiar', in which he will be sharing the screen space with Santhanam.
*News From (IndiaGlitz [September 18, 2012])