Suriya Sivakumar's biggie, 'Maatraan' was said to be releasing as 'Duplicate' in Telugu and now it's been rechristened and 'Brothers' is now the official title of the film. For the first time ever, Suriya will be dubbing for the Telugu version by himself!
It's said Suriya is currently working on the pronunciation of Telugu words and dialogues and will be dubbing soon for the film. Remember, his brother Karthi enjoys a huge fan base in AP and dubs for himself for all films.
The perfectionist in Suriya needs to introduction and we can be sure that he will soon excel the language enough for the role's dialogues.
'Brothers' audio launch is scheduled to take place sometime in September in Hyderabad. The film will release simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu and October 12 is the tentative release date.
*News From (IndiaGlitz [September 06, 2012])