G V Prakash Kumar, who has touched the 25th film mark in a short span ('Thaandavam' is his silver jubilee project), is going great guns in Bollywood too.
After 'Gangs of Wasseypur' and 'Joker', Anurag Kashyap, one of the leading filmmakers of Bollywood, has signed the young composer for his upcoming film, titled 'Ugly'.
Says a happy Prakash, "It is a modern subject and the script has thrown some challenges at me. I have already started working on Ugly. And am happy about it."
Back home in Kollywood, Prakash is working in a slew of projects. "I am happy that directors and producers are having confidence on me. I will always strive to fulfil the expectations. The rest is in the hands of the audience"
*News From (IndiaGlitz [September 08, 2012])