With Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger breaking more records with each day, it's now said that Ilayathalapathy Vijay will remake this commercial entertainer in Tamil. Rumors of a remake of the film in Telugu are being suggested as well but no heroes name has been suggested so far for Telugu.
Buzz is that Editor Mohan has bought the Tamil remake rights of the film and it will be helmed by Jayam Raja who worked with Vijay in Velayudham. It's said that the director and Vijay will come together for this remake post Vijay's film with AL Vijay.
Ek Tha Tiger that featured Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif has already grossed more than 100 crores in the box office and is an action entertainer loaded with romance and some good music. The film sees the hero as a RAW spy.
*(News From IndiaGlitz [Friday, August 24, 2012])