The biggest ever project of Tamil cinema may happen soon. Superstar Rajinikanth and 'Ulaganayagan' Kamal Haasan, the top two stars of Kollywood, are planning to act together in a movie to be produced by AVM.
Says AVM Saravanan, "Recently, Rajini and I was discussing something at my office. At that time, Kamal joined us. Suddenly, Rajini expressed his wish that he would like to act in a film with Kamal."
"Kamal gave his nod to the idea and following this, both asked me to produce the movie. I told them that Balachander would be the right person to direct the film. The stars are ready. Now the responsibility is on us to bring the project to reality."
In the past, Rajini and Kamal had acted in many films produced by AVM, one of the reputed production houses of South India.
*(News From IndiaGlitz [Monday, August 27, 2012])