Days after a Malayalam filmmaker claimed that attempts were on to convince A R Rahman to do a cameo in his upcoming film, since it revolves around a man who works in the music maestro's troupe, circles close to the Oscar winner denied any such development.
"A R Rahman is not doing any role in any Malayalam film, or for that matter, in any film in any other Indian language. Nor has he permitted or authorized anyone to make any movie based on him or the members of his orchestra," read a communique.
The movie in question is a tale of five friends to be played by Biju Menon, Lal, Suresh Krishna, P Sukumar and Sunil Babu. Biju Menon plays a member in Rahman's troupe.
The film to be helmed by Shajoon Kariyal will be co-produced by Biju Menon.
"To establish Biju's character, the director is planning to request Rahman to do a cameo. A few scenes will be shot at Rahman's studio in Chennai," it was claimed earlier.
(News From IndiaGlitz [Tuesday, August 21, 2012])